News from IND Plumbing & Heating

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) update & our Community

IND's response to COVID-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update from the IND Team

As we're sure you're feeling it too, here at IND we are very concerned about the impact the Coronavirus is having on the world and hope that you are taking care of yourselves and your families.  

What do we plan to do?

We are well aware that you are probably already being bombarded by company emails updating you on how they plan to deal with the uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus situation.  So here's our update... at the moment we are trying to carry on as usual. Understandably, some of our customers are in the vulnerable category and would rather not take visitors into their homes. It is completely your call. Our Engineers are adhering to the same Government Health & Safety guidelines - constant hand washing, self isolating if they (or their family members) are showing symptoms and using hand sanitisers and/or gloves. We will try to keep you updated as and when the Government implement new restrictions.

We suggest that when our Engineers visit your home that you maintain safe distances and ideally keep yourself in a different room whilst they work.


On a lighter note, we would like to offer our services to our Community. As long as our vans can stay on the road we are happy to help any of our customers (particularly those over 70) in the following ways, free of charge:-

  • Pick up any prescriptions from the Pharmacy & deliver to you
  • Village to village deliveries (i.e. if you need to get some toilet roll to your friend in a nearby village!)

We are keen to help wherever we can to keep our community safe and functioning. Please call our office 01666 503632 or email Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for any updates.

Thank you for your ongoing support - we hope that we can continue to offer our services to you throughout this time and welcome your patience.

From Mike & The IND Team

March 2020

IND plumbing & heating Tetbury iphe
IND plumbing & heating Tetbury Vaillant
IND plumbing & heating Tetbury Grant
IND plumbing & heating Tetbury Aga
IND plumbing & heating Tetbury OFTEC
IND plumbing & heating Tetbury Gas Safe
Quooker Instant Boiling Water Tap from IND Plumbing & Heating


​Alderton 4
Priory Park
Priory Industrial Estate
London Road
​Tetbury, ​GL8 8HZ


Opening Hours

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm

Salt can be collected from our office during this time

IND is proud to Sponsor
Tetbury Cricket Club - Mens, Ladies & Vets Teams 2024
Tetbury Town Youth Football Club - U15s Team 2024-2026

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